Welcome to our first newsletter for 2025; the first for our new Chair Eva Zileli. This edition is packed with inspiring stories, including a fantastic conversation between Soleil Premkumar, one of our Anna Bradbury Little Arts Scholarship recipients, and Dr Sonja Hood AM (pictured below). Together they explore Dr Hood's journey and share some really thought-provoking insights on social change.
Read moreFoundation News - December 2024
Welcome to our final newsletter for 2024. It's been another impactful year at the Foundation, with our grants program awarding 17 scholarships and bursaries, up from 16 in 2023. We're privileged to support students at every stage of their Mac.Rob journey, from welcoming Year 9s with Starting School Bursaries, to helping graduates begin their tertiary education through our Starting Tertiary Studies Bursaries.
Read moreFoundation News - October 2024
empowering students at every stage
Welcome to the October edition of Mac.Rob Foundation News.
Inside this issue, you'll find exciting updates on student achievements, new faces on our Board, and our ongoing commitment to supporting students throughout their journey at Mac.Rob.
Highlights include:
Overview of our grants program, supporting students from Year 9 through to tertiary studies
Principal's update on what’s been happening at Mac.Rob this year
Update on Foundation Board members.
Continue reading to learn more about how we're working to empower Mac.Rob students at every stage of their educational journey.
Foundation News - August 2024
Welcome to the August edition of Mac.Rob Foundation News.
In this edition, we celebrate the remarkable achievement of our alumna, Chaitanya (Cherry) Arora, who has been awarded the prestigious ACS Foundation Women of STEM Scholarship.
We're also excited to announce upcoming grant opportunities for current students, including the Helen Turner Bursary and the Starting Tertiary Studies Bursaries.
Lastly, we proudly introduce this year's recipients of our STEM and Academic Excellence Scholarships. Their stories of ambition and gratitude remind us of the transformative power of education and community support.
Foundation News - June 2024
meet the 2024 women of the portrait gallery
Welcome to the June edition of Mac.Rob Foundation News.
This issue showcases inspiring stories from our School community, highlighting the achievements of students both past and present.
Explore inspiring stories from our School community, learn about Mac.Rob’s newly inducted Portrait Gallery honourees, and meet the talented recipients of the Anna Bradbury Little Arts Scholarship.
Foundation News - April 2024
In this edition of the Mac.Rob Foundation News, we're excited to share updates on upcoming scholarships and bursaries open for applications in Term 2. These funding opportunities cover a range of areas including STEM, academic excellence, and graduate/postgraduate studies.
May also marks the induction of new outstanding alumnae into the Portrait Gallery of Mac.Robertson Girls' High School. Ahead of the announcement on 2 May, we encourage you to explore the inspiring achievements and legacies of the women already featured in the online Portrait Gallery.
To read more about these updates and opportunities, be sure to check out the full April edition of the Mac.Rob Foundation News.
Foundation News - December
farewell 2023
Our final newsletter for 2023 is out now!
In this edition, you’ll find some lovely quotes from the recipients of our Starting School Bursaries and Helen Turner Bursary. The inspiring messages really underscore the small but pivotal role we collectively play in shaping the educational journey of students.
As the year comes to an end, it’s important to note that none of our work would be possible without the generosity of our donor community, which includes many of you. We are sincerely grateful for your contributions.
We’re excited to continue our mission of advancing the education and wellbeing of current and future generations of Mac.Rob students in 2024 – watch this space!
Foundation News - October
introducing our starting tertiary studies bursaries
Our October newsletter is out now - and it’s packed with exciting news and stories!
In it, we announce our new Starting Tertiary Studies Bursaries, which aim to help departing Year 12s with the expected costs of studying at Australian tertiary institutions in 2024. These bursaries are similar to our Starting School Bursaries, which also support students with academic-related expenses.
You can find out more about both bursaries in our newsletter, as well as watch a video featuring Emma Nineva, the recipient of this year’s STEM Bursary. She will use her grant to attend a science program at Melbourne University.
Don’t miss this edition of our newsletter - it’s full of inspiring stories and opportunities.
Emma Nineva, the recipient of our STEM Bursary
Foundation News - August
learn more about our term 3/4 grants and hear from our latest recipient
Welcome to the August edition of our newsletter.
In this edition, we feature a testimonial from Esha Zahid, the deserving recipient of our Term 2 Graduate/Postgraduate Scholarship. It's truly inspiring to hear how this scholarship will shape her career as a young researcher. We can't wait to see what the future holds for Esha.
We're also excited to announce the imminent opening of the Helen Turner Bursary (September) and Starting School Bursaries (November). Importantly, these bursaries support Mac.Rob families who need them most. You can read more about these bursaries in this edition.
Esha Zahid, the recipient of our Term 2 Graduate/Postgraduate Scholarship
Foundation News - June
meet the 2023 portrait gallery inductees &
scholarship recipients
Welcome to the June edition of our newsletter.
In this edition, we introduce you to the 2023 Women of the Portrait Gallery and announce the recipients of our Term 2 STEM Bursary, STEM Scholarship and Academic Excellence Scholarship.
You can read more about these truly inspiring Mac.Robbians, both past and present, in this edition.
Pictured (L-R) with Principal Sue Harrap: Arpitha, Emma, Fiona, Harshitha
Foundation News - April 2023
congratulations to our first scholarship recipient of 2023!
In this edition, we announce the 2023 recipient of the Anna Bradbury Little Arts Scholarship - Magdalena (Maggie) Umbach - whom you can read more about below. Also in this edition, we have included a recap of the International Women's Day Breakfast with a link to a summary written by School Captains Pin Qi W and Gauri A.
Image: Principal Sue Harrap with Maggie Umbach
Foundation News - February 2023
Welcome to our first newsletter of 2023, and the return of another busy school year! At the Foundation we have now mapped out our financial supports to students in 2023, with our annual grants calendar detailed in this edition. On the subject of bursaries, we were humbled to hear the impact of our new Starting School Bursaries on incoming Year 9 students and their families. You can read a selection of recipients' testimonials in this edition also.
Foundation News - December 2022
With the disruption of COVID a distant memory, this year has fortunately seen the return of face-to-face learning and events. In our final edition of 2022, we highlight the many milestones that have occurred this year – from the mid-year induction of five amazing alumnae to Mac.Rob’s Portrait Gallery, coinciding with the Foundation’s project to digitally immortalise past, present and future members, to the new scholarships and grants we’ve been able to offer for the first time, thanks to the generous support of our donors.
Foundation News - October 2022
starting school bursaries
In this edition of the Mac.Rob Foundation newsletter, we share the exciting details of our new grant – the Starting School Bursaries. The Starting School Bursaries will assist families in financial hardship to make those oftentimes costly purchases needed to start school, such as books, tablets and uniforms. You can read more about the new grant in this edition, along with an introduction to our new Board members and a recap of Mac.Rob Week in September.
Foundation News - August 2022
Introducing the 2022 Portrait Gallery inductees
This edition features the 2022 inductees of the Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School Portrait Gallery. The new inductees are featured in our online Portrait Gallery, which is now being updated to include all gallery members so that their contributions to their fields are recognised and promoted to wider audiences. Also in this edition, Year 12 student Zhenyi Lin (pictured) shares the impact of the Anna Bradbury Little Arts Scholarship on her knowledge of, and experience in, the field of visual arts. Lastly, Mac.Rob Principal Sue Harrah provides an overview of the School’s highlights and upcoming activities.
Foundation News - June 2022
Future Women of the Portrait Gallery
In this edition, we feature our new digital immortalisation of the Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School Portrait Gallery. A fluid and evolving project, all women of the Portrait Gallery will be showcased on the site over the coming months. You can read more about this and other news - including our latest grant recipients - in this edition.