STarting tertiary studies BursarIES
Open 8 September 2025 | Close 31 January 2026
We want everyone, regardless of their financial circumstances, to have a great start to their tertiary education. We do acknowledge, however, that starting tertiary education can be expensive.
That’s why we are pleased to offer a number of bursaries to support those who may be experiencing financial difficulties that might prevent them from purchasing the necessities in preparation for the start of their tertiary education.
The bursaries are open to departing Year 12 students in 2025 whose families are in genuine financial need and will be awarded to assist students with expenses directly related to an Australian tertiary course such as books, equipment or a myki card.
A limited number of bursaries will be awarded in February 2026 to support the transition into starting a tertiary course in Australia.
The form attached to this submission is a Google Form. Please let us know if you are having difficulty accessing it. If possible, use a Gmail account to access the form and not your student email/school Gmail account. If you continue to have problems, please email us.
For further information, please contact