

Open 17 February 2025 | Close 17 March 2025

Established to honour the memory of Anna Bradbury Little, a gifted artist and Mac.Rob alumnus, this scholarship supports students in Years 10-12 who demonstrate excellence and passion in creative arts programs as part of their academic or co-curricular studies.

In the spirit of celebrating Anna's legacy, in 2024 the Foundation will award four scholarships across the following categories:

  • Written Arts Scholarship: For students pursuing and producing writing of excellence.

  • Dramatic Arts Scholarship: For students participating in and dedicated to advancing their acting skills and theatrical technique.

  • Music Arts Scholarship: For students excelling in and committed to progressing their musical talents, compositions, and/or vocal abilities.

  • Visual Arts Scholarship: For students showing skill, imagination, and promise in producing works across drawing, painting, sculpture, photography and other visual media.

Recipients will be selected based on merit, creativity, and their exemplification of Anna's passion for the arts.

The form attached to this submission is a Google Form. Please let us know if you are having difficulty accessing it. If possible, use a Gmail account to access the form and not your student email/school Gmail account. If you continue to have problems, please email us.

For further information, please contact


2024 recipientS

Congratulations to Soleil, Katie and Lyshana (pictured L-R with Principal Sue Harrap) for receiving the 2024 Scholarship.


2023 recipient

Maggie Umbach expresses what it means to receive the Anna Bradbury Little Arts Scholarship.


2022 recipient

Zhenyi Lin became the inagural recipient of the Anna Bradbury Little Arts Scholarship in 2022.


Anna Bradbury Little (AlumnA 1987 to 1990)

By Anna’s cousins, Katherine Teh and Moon Feris

Anna Bradbury Little - middle row, third from the right

Anna Bradbury Little was our cousin and she taught us about perfection. She strived to make her drawings, her designs and her buildings perfect. It was always a delight for her when she could see what she’d imagined come to life. Watching her careful and creative process inspired us to move just that little slower and rework the piece just that one more time. We loved that about her. It’s the kind of attitude that helped her achieve wonderful outcomes.

When she was a student at RMIT (where she studied Landscape and Architecture) she pulled together a long tent with prisms and water so people could wander through multiple rainbows. She won the opportunity to work with the world’s hottest architect, Rem Koolhaas, in Rotterdam and she was so good she ended up climbing the ranks quickly. She assisted in designing the Seattle Library (USA), the music hall in Porto (Portugal), the stock exchange in Shenzhen (China) and the Prada shops across the world when she was working for Herzog and De Meuron in Basel (Switzerland).

We loved our holidays in Stradbroke Island, New York, Venice, Milan, London and so many other places because she made friends wherever she went and we always had interesting discussions. We miss her so much and would have loved to see how she matured with age. Her life was cut short when she was murdered at 34 years of age whilst on holiday in Moscow. We are incredibly supportive and proud of the idea that she can continue to inspire many others to excel in their chosen fields.

Make a big splash and enjoy your life. If she was talking to you she would just expect that you could, and so you should.